Tuesday 14 September 2010

Cajon del Maipo - a hike from Banos Morales

Last weekend we took a trip into Cajon del Maipo, the beautiful river valley which can be reached very quickly from Santiago by bus. This weekend we decided to head back with a group of friends and go hiking. This time we took the bus as far as possible into the canyon to a small village called Banos Morales - named for a couple of tanked pools fed by natural hot springs. East of here there is only mountains and Argentina. We didn't come here to bathe though, about 2200 metres up, we came to trek!

the crew

Anna with a preparatory chocolate caliente

Banos Morales is the last habitation before the entrance to the National Park El Morado. Normally the park isn't open until October because of the weather - primarily the snow renders most of the park impassable. The ranger who we signed in with warned us not to go beyond the first sector, although our original plan had been to go the full distance - 8km to the lake el morado, then on to the base of the San Francisco Glacier.

Rugged, cold, but clear and easy to walk - a small feeder to Rio Maipo

the first sign of things to come

click on it to make it bigger - there's a wild horse!

Anna, blissfully unaware of things to come

In the distance, skiers... skiers?
Definitely skiers.

Feeder river from up high

Struan on the edge of the canyon

The team winds its way along
"Everything is not okay."
About 2km in it became apparent that some team members were possibly underprepared. Despite admirably clear instructions from Struan* Scott for one had turned up ready for a stroll around town and was beginning to suffer from the windchill (see above). After some quick sharing out of spare gear, we cracked on.

* Admittedly based on last weekend's trip to a pueblo for a spot of lunch and to take in the view, in blazing sunshine, at about half the altitude.

After the initial steep hike, the trail began to plateau, and become rather more snowy

the crew trekking through the snow

the river being fed by snow melt streams

a fog begins to descend

A little bridge over the river

the way ahead

the crew in the distance as the fog descends

About 3km up the mountain we came to the end of the first sector: the Aguas Panamavida - apparently a mineral water spring according to a Chilean or Argentinian guy who we passed while he was relentlessly dragging his kids up the mountain.*

*Conversation between Struan and man's son: "How are you?" "Tired" "Do you like this?" "No". End of.  

We don't know quite enough about this to speak with any authority, but all of the water up here (including the tanked springs in Banos Morales see below) has a sort of orangey brown tinge - including also the river. It's either something to do with the type of rock or some mineral/ore colouration. Anyway, the Aguas Panamavidas are a dirty pool this colour (above). Apparently they're better in summer.

The murky baths, back in Banos Morales

Struan as the snow starts to deepen

As the snow gets deeper, one of the crew topples into a snow drift
We were all prepared for a picnic which we had planned to have at the lake in the park, before heading to the glacier. At this point, about 4/5 km in, it had become painfully obvious why a) the park is usually closed in winter, and b) the ranger said don't go beyond the first sector. The snow was in places up to our waists, and the wind was absolutely thrashing us. Anyway we had food so we decided to shelter behind a boulder and have our picnic. Going further was looking unlikely as the snow was now starting to come thickly. The picnic wasn't quite as we'd envisaged, but excellent nevertheless.

The most [memorable] [miserable] picnic ever. You decide.

The crew becomes spread out on the way down as various levels of fatigue, base survival instinct, inability to feel feet, come into play

the wind whips up a storm
Cold but happy we made it back to Banos Morales, and were greeted by these little guys!

oh perritos we love you!

hawwo little baby dog!

The weather up on the mountain was matched at the bottom, but without horizontal wind. It was like Christmas!

Difficult to see the sign: this place is the "Residencial Los Chicos Malos" - "[Hostel] of the Naughty Boys"
Cosy inside the Residencial with more hot chocolates

A winter wonderland!
Last weekend we were in Cajon del Maipo worrying about sunburn - this weekend frostbite! An excellent day. We'll be back in a few weeks once the snow has melted to hike the full distance to the lake and glacier.

Anna on the bus back, with a face on.

Quick, back to those puppies - where did you all go?


Francesca said...

It looks really great! You seem to do a lot of exercise!!

Heather said...

Great job documenting this adventure, and I think the picture of Scott is the best summary of all! Somehow I think when we look back on this time here in Chile we will always say "Remember that time we went to Banos Morales..." :)

stephan said...

insidesex fuckteens cuirglove